Today, I set out to fill out a rebate form. Seemed simple enough. WRONG!!!!
And because I am being lazy tired from getting the run around,
here is what I said on YouTube:
Called Procter & Gamble for help on properly processing a rebate that also donated money to the USOC's P&G/Team USA Youth Sports Fund. Ya, that didn't go well. In fact, it didn't go at all. They never picked up. I finally hung up the phone after being on there for 105 minutes of insane forever on loop bad music and " with you shortly..." messages!!! (a.k.a. forever hold hell!!) Hopefully this whole video is play worthy. It was playing fine until I loaded it on to my computer. Then it started getting choppy about half way through or so. If that is the case, I apologize. UPDATE: YouTube Rocks!!! They totally fixed my video. You totally rock YouTube!
If you have any answers to my dilemma, I would appreciate your feedback. Here's the basics (just in case my video is bad), I bought $50 worth of products. All were of the brands specified on the rebate, however, the CoverGirl item I bought had a UPC with only 8 digits. The form requires 12. Rebate would have been denied. Rebate processing company even said it would have been and called the item a "non-qualifying product." The form says ANY CoverGirl. Why doesn't it qualify? Why would it only have 8 numbers on its UPC? How do I contact P&G about this to get it figured out? Why, when I called the P&G number the rebate processing company gave me, was I put on forever hold? Was that one of those numbers you hear about that companies redirect people to so they hang up and give up? Will P&G be pissed that I put them on blast?!?!? I hope so!! Because I want answers! I know it's only $10, but it's also donation money that I want to see get to the right place.
Here is the number. (800) 609-3039. Maybe someone out there will have better chances of reaching an actual human being. And if you do... PLEASE! LET. ME. KNOW.
Thank you. :0)
If you have any answers to my dilemma, I would appreciate your feedback. Here's the basics (just in case my video is bad), I bought $50 worth of products. All were of the brands specified on the rebate, however, the CoverGirl item I bought had a UPC with only 8 digits. The form requires 12. Rebate would have been denied. Rebate processing company even said it would have been and called the item a "non-qualifying product." The form says ANY CoverGirl. Why doesn't it qualify? Why would it only have 8 numbers on its UPC? How do I contact P&G about this to get it figured out? Why, when I called the P&G number the rebate processing company gave me, was I put on forever hold? Was that one of those numbers you hear about that companies redirect people to so they hang up and give up? Will P&G be pissed that I put them on blast?!?!? I hope so!! Because I want answers! I know it's only $10, but it's also donation money that I want to see get to the right place.
Here is the number. (800) 609-3039. Maybe someone out there will have better chances of reaching an actual human being. And if you do... PLEASE! LET. ME. KNOW.
Thank you. :0)
UPDATE: I have since emailed P&G. And liked them on FaceBook. And liked them on Twitter.
No word. Yet.
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