Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ah June... The Most Chaotic Month.

And here you thought that was December.  HA!

I'm sure I have mentioned in years past (wait.... did I just say years?) that June is a busy month around here.  Graduation and Daddy's Day obviously.  Everyone deals with at least one of those, right?  Ok, maybe not all. (quick nod to my peeps with sperm donors).  Now sprinkle in 2 birthdays and an anniversary.  And here's the kicker: All with in a 2 week span.   Fun. Times!  *ahem* not.

This year wasn't too bad.  No grads in the immediate family.  Just friends with kids graduating.  Less stressful, but still can be quite busy.  Both girls birthdays were after school years end.  Decided against a big party this year.  Nana and Papa stepped in and popped for Chuck E Cheese.  Fine.  At least I didn't have to plan it and I wasn't responsible for making sure a spit load of kids got enough pizza, goodie bags, and tokens.  Only kids I had to deal with were my own.  AND I didn't have to worry about a cake!  *happy dance*  All on my 2 year old's birthday!

*sound of the needle being yanked for the fun times record*

Ya, that's not good.  Why, do you ask?  Simple.  My 10 year old.  (or, 9 at the time.)  Her birthday wasn't for another 3 days!  Could I have just declared it as a combo birthday and let it be?  Sure! But then her actual birthday would have been just another day.  I didn't think that would have go over to well with Cait.  So instead,  I held off on giving her any gifts from us (she opened those from the extended family) and I let Libby have hers.  Then today, we celebrated Cait turning 10. I made her favorite dinner, we had cupcakes and she opened her gifts from us.  Like. Planned.  She was happy and felt like the center of our attention. 

Do I have pictures?  No.  No on my computer anyway.  I know. I suck.  What's new?

This weekend, the fun continues with the celebration of our 12th anniversary.  What are we doing?  I have no clue.  When I find out, I'll be sure to let you know.  Most likely way after the fact. ;0)

Until then... Namaste!

P.S. To my spell checker...I am fully aware that ok isn't correct.  Okay or O.K.  NOT ok.   Ok, I GET IT!!   SHUT UP ALREADY!  O.K.?  ;0p

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